King Jeremy Longmire - 10/31 Consortium

All hail King Jeremy!

Jeremy Longmire is raising money for 10/31 Consortium and needs your help!

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A Personal Letter from Jeremy:

Born in Baton Rouge and raised in South Louisiana, I have been committed to charitable causes with organizations like the Society for the Preservation of Lagniappe in Louisiana, the Mystic Krewe of Apollo-Baton Rouge, 10/31 Consortium, and the Fifolet Halloween Festival. I am dedicated to making a positive impact in my community with unity, diversity, and inclusiveness.

I am excited to serve as the 14th Fifolet Halloween Festival King. 10/31 Consortium commitment to giving kids a safe and happy Halloween, through its charitable programs, like costume giveaways, Trick or Treat assistance, and Halloween goodie bags for hospitalized children are all dear to my heart.

I ask you to join me in donating by using the form below. No matter the size of your gift, it will be used to bring a smile to a child’s face and your donation is entirely tax-deductible. I look forward to seeing you at one or all krewe’s events during our Fifolet Halloween Festival. Thank you for your support of 10/31 Consortium and the work we do to better our community.

I support 10/31 Consortium because of the good they do for Louisiana's children.

1031 consortium baton rouge young black girl with donated halloween costumes

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